In 1953 Sam Davis, an attorney from Minneapolis, Minnesota, started his law office just down the walk from the Oregon Shakespeare Festival theater off Main Street in the small mill town of Ashland, Oregon. Sidney Ainsworth, a new attorney raised in Murphy, Oregon, joined Sam in 1954. In the 1950’s Ashland’s large employers included several active lumber mills, Southern Oregon College, Ashland Community Hospital, located where SOU’s Stevenson Union sits today, and a small car dealer named Walt’s Lithia Motors. Back then Ashland properties went for $1500 and the price of a legal will was $25-bartering with chickens and other items was not unusual. The third law partner, Don Pinnock, arrived in the early 1960’s. Jack Davis, Sam’s son, joined the firm on February 1, 1976, the day the firm moved into its new building and current location at 515 East Main Street. Over the sixty years the firm has existed. its many good lawyers have participated in providing quality legal service throughout southern Oregon and northern California. Sam retired in the late 1980’s and Sid retired in 1992 when Chris Hearn joined the practice after five years practicing in southern California. Eugene Anderson joined the firm after practicing in Medford since 1988. Rachele R. Selvig joined the firm as a partner on January 1, 2022 (Visit each attorney’s biography page to learn more).
The firm has come a very long way since Sam Davis opened his first office in Ashland sixty years ago. The attorneys look forward to serving the legal needs of this region for a very long time to come.